ANANYA: Marriage No Child’s Play
The project is aimed at changing harmful cultural practices that normalize child marriage whilst providing girls with Sexual and Reproductive Health knowledge and access to the services they need to make informed health decisions. Young people are able to decide if and when to marry and pursue their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in a supportive environment.
So to stop this practice and to educate the community on bad effects of Child marriage SWATI has been implementing ANANYA Project in 11 Gram panchayats of K. Nuagaon Block of Kandhamal District since 2016 in association with Save the Children.
Campaign for Youth on Gender and Gender based Violence
Violence against women and girls is one of the most prevalent human rights violations in the world. It surpasses social, cultural, economic, or national boundaries. Gender-based violence is a violation of human rights and is rooted in gender inequalities.
So to sensitize the youth mass and the students to take lead role in prevention of Gender based Violence, SWATI has been organizing this Campaign with Collage students in 50 collages in the State.
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
SWATI has established a Study Center under National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) at Bandhagada helping the dropout children gain access to formal education since 2011. In 2011 FVTRS started support to SWATI for opening the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) center at Bandhagada accredited as AI-AVI-SLEID. Now NIOS is providing supports for Offline enrollment, registration for examination, study material distribution, personal contact programmes and conduct practical examination for Dropouts through Study center. .
NIOS is trying to create a friendly environment between student and facilitators for an easy learning process through different workshops and training programmes and trying to contact directly with the learners for smooth communication by issuing ID card till getting their certificate.
Back to Basic – Early Childhood care and Education
To create a healthy educational environment and to provide opportunity for children from the most marginalised communities SWATI is implementing Back to Basic programme in Tikabali and Raikia block of Kandhamal district. SWATI is implementing this programme in 11 GPs of Tikabali and 2 GPs of Raikia block covering 75 schools and 164 Anganawadi centres. Total 2088 children under 3 years age 2195 children of 3 to 6 year age and 8513 children from 6 to18 age group are treated through this programme.
To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls under Goal-5 of SDGs SWATI has been implementing different women empowerment activities like formation and strengthening of Women groups, skill development of girls and women, income generation and economic activities for women groups, prohibition of girl child marriage and end all violence against women.

In previous years SWATI was implemented GRUHINEE PREMA program to bring changes in the knowledge, attitude and practices of the women through trainings and handholding supports on life skills and skill building, REHNUMA Program to provide legal justice, rights and entitlements for the minority women, Marriage No Childs Play To provide girls and their communities with the tools and knowledge to stop early and forced marriages and give girls a better start in life and We Can Campaign To aware and organize the community to end domestic violence against Women in Kandhamal District.