To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all under Goal-4 of SDGs the Organization has been implementing Early Childhood Care and Education, National Institution of Open Schooling (NIOS), Library for youth, cluster level information centers, E – learning centers for children, life skill education for dropouts etc.

SWATI has opened a center of National Institution of Open Schooling (NIOS) at Bandhagad since 2011 to provide Institutional support for dropout student for formal education/ Creating resources for dropout’s adolescent education/ Enhancing Inclusive Education. To Create an environment for Children of 3-6 years have an opportunity for a quality preschool education SWATI is Implementing Early Childhood Care and Education program in remote pockets of Kandhamal district. The Organisation is also running E-Library and Information Centers to provide learning opportunity and information to youth in Kandhamal district.

SWATI has published many books on different themes and success interventions. It has published “Eei Matira Katha” on Livelihood, “Jibanadhara”on Health, “Ananya” on Child marriage prevention “Ankur” on Child education initiative, “Corona Kalara Katha” on the initiatives of the organisation and community for prevention of COVID impact and “Kandhamalara Prakruttika Krushi” on Natural farming practice of Kandhamal Farmers.

SWATI has prepared Audio Visual Documentaries and Audio songs on MGNREGS, Agriculture, DBI, Tribal Development, WADI, Hydro Project, Maternal Newborn Child health and Nutrition and Malaria. It has also published posters, brouchers and leaflets on MNREGS, FRA and PESA, Malaria, AIDs, Environment and Swachha Bharat Abhiyan to aware the community people.
SWATI is handling many discussion forums in different social sites to involve the people in development process and to share the views on different social issues.